
  • 喜剧
  • GregJames RussellKane
  • 共5集  |  每集 60分钟
  • Britain Unzipped is a brand new series for BBC Thr…Britain Unzipped is a brand new series for BBC Three that will lift the lid on what us Brits really think and get up to. It’s the show that delivers an alteative social census of the UK and caters for the nation’s number one obsession – themselves.The series will deliver an alteative, funny state of the nation by conducting a huge nationwide questionnaire asking everything from the national to the personal, the eye-opening to the downright daft.From our sex lives to our moral compass, no stone is left untued as questions, from the serious to the very light-hearted, include: How does wealth really affect the number of sexual partners you’ve had? Where in the country are people most likely to have slept with a friend’s partner? How much if any would be the lowest amount of money you would want to have your little toe chopped off? How often do we really delete our inteet history? Who’s more likely to have a favourite child – mums or dads?Radio 1 DJ Greg James and comedian Russell Kane will host proceedings in this studio based comedy entertainment show, which over six weeks will unfurl the results of our unique questionnaire. The show will involve celebrity guests, audience surprises and hidden camera stunts, along the way exploring how beliefs and behaviours differ across the nation.


  • 更新至第06集
  • 黄河卫视更新至第01集
  • 更新至第03集
  • 更新至第13集
  • 更新至第34集
  • 已完结
  • 已完结
  • 更新至第06集


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