初代吸血鬼第一季 :
The pain may fade, but scar serves as a reminder of our suffering, and make the bearer all the more …
2023-12-10 11:01:361367
初代吸血鬼第一季 :
They say the passage of time will heal all wounds,but the greater the loss,the deeper the cut, and t…
2023-12-10 11:01:362312
初代吸血鬼第一季 :
So as time moves along, we get lost in distractions, act out in frustration, react with aggression, …
2023-12-10 11:01:361209
初代吸血鬼第一季 :
I value my family above everything. 我最珍视的仍是家人。
2023-12-10 11:01:36788
尼克劳斯 :
2023-12-10 11:01:362810
初代吸血鬼第一季 :
2023-12-10 11:01:362592
初代吸血鬼第一季 :
Even when all seems burnt to ash,in our story,there is always another chapter to be told. 即使一切化为灰烬,…
2023-12-10 11:01:361076
初代吸血鬼第一季 :
2023-12-10 11:01:362791
初代吸血鬼第一季 :
Eternity isan awfully long time. 永恒是一段很长的时间。
2023-12-10 11:01:364858
尼克劳斯 :
There is no power in love. Mercy makes you weak. Family makes you weak. If I’mever going to win this…
2023-12-10 11:01:364730
初代吸血鬼第一季 :
I have lived a lot longer than you, Marcellus. I have seen kings rise and fall. If there is one thin…
2023-12-10 11:01:364694
初代吸血鬼第一季 :
2023-12-10 11:01:36565
初代吸血鬼第一季 :
2023-12-10 11:01:361215
丽贝卡 :
Our home is worthless without family. 房子没有家人就一文不值。
2023-12-10 11:01:361659
初代吸血鬼第一季 :
You are not alone,we are here,we are with you. Always and forever,till the forever end你并不孤单,我们在这里,…
2023-12-10 11:01:364605
初代吸血鬼第一季 :
2023-12-10 11:01:361724
初代吸血鬼第一季 :
2023-12-10 11:01:362458
初代吸血鬼第一季 :
God wasnt powerful because he was right.He was right because he was powerful. 上帝不是因为有道理才强大,而是因为她强大了…
2023-12-10 11:01:364572
以利亚 :
2023-12-10 11:01:363310
马赛尔 :
My home, my family, my rules 我的家园、我的家族、我的规矩。
2023-12-10 11:01:364395
初代吸血鬼第一季 :
Sound thinking but small thinking!听上去不错,但是目光短浅!
2023-12-10 11:01:362760
以利亚 :
2023-12-10 11:01:361388
以利亚 :
I will fight for my family until my last breath. 我会为我的家人斗争到最后一刻。
2023-12-10 11:01:364954
丽贝卡 :
I was certain that Klaus meant to kill me,but he never really did at all.Maybe somewhere deep down.H…
2023-12-10 11:01:363667
初代吸血鬼第一季 :
You didnt make it easy to love you ,brother.爱你是一件很不容易的事,弟弟。
2023-12-10 11:01:362485
丽贝卡 :
What has happened to you? I remember the sweet boy who made me laugh and gave me gifts,who he loved…
2023-12-10 11:01:364434
以利亚 :
Niklaus,Sometimes our sister acts without thinking.She is short of temper.Shes quick to fall in love…
2023-12-10 11:01:362417
以利亚 :
You say despise Rebekah for her betrayal.And yet no one has stood by your side for so long,not even …
2023-12-10 11:01:363843